
face, facial appearance


  • face, facial appearance
  • surname Yan
  • color
  • face
  • countenance
  • Japanese variant of 顏|颜[yan2]


六色 wǔ yán liù sè multi-colored; every color under the sun
bà yán Bayan (name); Bayan of the Baarin (1236-1295), Mongol Yuan general under Khubilai Khan, victorious over the Southern Song 1235-1239; Bayan of the Merkid (-1340), Yuan dynasty general and politician
hòu yán shameless
無恥 hòu yán wú chǐ shameless
各種色 gè zhǒng yán sè multicolored; a variety of colors
悅色 hé yán yuè sè amiable manner; pleasant countenance
喜笑開 xǐ xiào yán kāi grinning from ear to ear (idiom); beaming with happiness
婢膝 nú yán bì xī servile and bending the knee (idiom); fawning; bending and scraping to curry favor
róng yán mien; complexion
失色 róng yán shī sè (of complexion) to lose one's color; to blanch; wan
喀拉 bā yán kā lā Bayankala mountain range in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, watershed of 黄河 Huang He river
歡笑 qiǎng yán huān xiào to pretend to look happy; to force oneself to smile
悅色 yí yán yuè sè happy countenance
cí yán one's mother's loving face
書中自有黃金屋,書中自有如玉 shū zhōng zì yǒu huáng jīn wū , shū zhōng zì yǒu yán rú yù lit. in books are sumptuous houses and graceful ladies (proverb); fig. be diligent in your studies, success and glory will follow
厲色 zhèng yán lì sè solemn in countenance (idiom); strict and unsmiling
hàn yán to blush with shame (literary)
見江東父老 wú yán jiàn jiāng dōng fù lǎo (idiom) to be unable to return to one's hometown due to the shame of failure (originally referred to Xiang Yu 項羽|项羽[Xiang4 Yu3], who chose not to retreat to Jiangdong after his humiliating defeat)
皓首蒼 hào shǒu cāng yán white hair and gray sunken cheeks (idiom); decrepit old age
pò yán to break into a smile; (of flowers) to open
笑逐開 xiào zhú yán kāi smile spread across the face (idiom); beaming with pleasure; all smiles; joy written across one's face
hóng yán a beautiful woman; young beauties; youths; rosy cheeks
知己 hóng yán zhī jǐ close female friend; confidante
禍水 hóng yán huò shuǐ femme fatale
薄命 hóng yán bó mìng beautiful women suffer unhappy fates (idiom)
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