一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩 yī zhāo bèi shé yǎo , shí nián pà jǐng shéng


  1. once bitten by a snake, ten years in fear of a well rope
  2. once bitten, twice shy (idiom)


一 yī one; a, an; alone
朝 zhāo dynasty; morning
被 bèi passive indicator 'by'; bedding
蛇 shé snake
咬 yǎo bite, gnaw
十 shí ten, tenth; complete; perfect
年 nián year; new-years; person's age
怕 pà to fear, be afraid of; apprehensive
井 jǐng well, mine shaft, pit
繩 shéng rope, string, cord; measure, restrain