shéng sheng

rope, string, cord; measure, restrain


繩 shéng
  • rope
  • CL:根[gen1]


一年被蛇咬十年怕井 yī nián bèi shé yǎo shí nián pà jǐng shéng bitten by a snake in one year, fears the well rope for ten years (idiom); once bitten twice shy
一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井 yī zhāo bèi shé yǎo , shí nián pà jǐng shéng once bitten by a snake, ten years in fear of a well rope; once bitten, twice shy (idiom)
一根上的螞蚱 yī gēn shéng shàng de mà zha see 一條繩上的螞蚱|一条绳上的蚂蚱[yi1 tiao2 sheng2 shang4 de5 ma4 zha5]
一條上的螞蚱 yī tiáo shéng shàng de mà zha lit. grasshoppers tied together with a piece of string (idiom); fig. people who are in it together for better or worse; people who will sink or swim together
diào shéng sling
tào shéng a lasso
擰成一股 níng chéng yī gǔ shéng to twist together to form a rope; (fig.) to unite; to work together
晾衣 liàng yī shéng clothesline
曬衣 shài yī shéng clothesline
zōng shéng rope of palm fiber; coir (coconut fiber)
chōng shéng Okinawa, Japan
島 chōng shéng dǎo Okinawa Island
縣 chōng shéng xiàn Okinawa prefecture, Japan
群島 chōng shéng qún dǎo the Okinawa archipelago
zhǔn shéng yardstick; fig. criterion; ground rule
qiān shéng tow rope
xì shéng string; twine; cord
xiàn shéng string; cotton rope
之以法 shéng zhī yǐ fǎ to punish according to the law; to bring to justice
墨 shéng mò lit. carpenter's straight line marker; same as 墨斗; fig. rules; rules and regulations
套 shéng tào noose; harness
子 shéng zi cord; string; rope; CL:條|条[tiao2]
文 shéng wén Jyōmon period of Japanese prehistory, with rope pattern pottery
梯 shéng tī a rope ladder
索 shéng suǒ rope
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