shéng sheng

rope, string, cord; measure, restrain


繩 shéng
  • rope
  • CL:根[gen1]


索套 shéng suǒ tào a noose
結 shéng jié knot
lǎn shéng cable; hawser; mooring rope
肌 guó shéng jī hamstring (anatomy)
規矩準 guī ju zhǔn shéng compasses, set square, spirit level and plumbline (idiom); fig. established standard; norms; criteria
規矩墨 guī ju shéng mò compasses, set square and straight line marker (idiom); fig. established standard; norms; criteria
zǒu shéng tightrope walking
tiào shéng to jump rope; jump rope
進退中 jìn tuì zhōng shéng to advance or retreat, each has its rules (idiom from Zhuangzi); many translations are possible
鋼絲 gāng sī shéng hawser; steel rope
jiāng shéng reins
tóu shéng string to tie hair