牽馬到河易,強馬飲水難 qiān mǎ dào hé yì , qiǎng mǎ yǐn shuǐ nán


  1. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. (idiom)


牽 qiān drag, pull, lead by hand
馬 mǎ horse; surname; KangXi radical 187
到 dào go to, arrive, been to
河 hé river; stream; yellow river
易 yì change; easy
強 qiǎng strong, powerful, energetic
馬 mǎ horse; surname; KangXi radical 187
飲 yǐn drink; swallow; kind of drink
水 shuǐ water, liquid, lotion, juice
難 nán difficult, arduous, hard; unable