HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 461st character |
RADICAL | ⽇ (72.4) |
INDEX # | 1088 |
change; easy
- change
- easy
- surname Yi
- abbr. for 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1], the Book of Changes
- easy
- amiable
- to change
- to exchange
- prefix corresponding to the English adjective suffix "-able" or "-ible"

容易 róng yì | easy; likely; liable (to) |
轻易 qīng yì | easily; lightly; rashly |
贸易 mào yì | (commercial) trade; CL:個|个[ge4] |
交易 jiāo yì | (business) transaction; business deal; CL:筆|笔[bi3] |
路易斯 lù yì sī | Louis or Lewis (name) |
路易 lù yì | Louis or Lewis (name) |
显而易见 xiǎn ér yì jiàn | clearly and easy to see (idiom); obviously; clearly; it goes without saying |
好不容易 hǎo bù róng yì | with great difficulty; very difficult |
轻而易举 qīng ér yì jǔ | easy; with no difficulty |
圣路易斯 shèng lù yì sī | St Louis, large city in eastern Missouri |
易如反掌 yì rú fǎn zhǎng | easy as a hand's turn (idiom); very easy; no effort at all |
简易 jiǎn yì | simple and easy; simplistic; simplicity |
不易 bù yì | not easy to do sth; difficult; unchanging |
路易斯安那州 lù yì sī ān nà zhōu | Louisiana, US state |
交易所 jiāo yì suǒ | exchange; stock exchange |
易碎 yì suì | brittle; fragile |
易拉罐 yì lā guàn | pull-top can; easy-open can (with ring-pull) |
易于 yì yú | very likely; prone to |
平易近人 píng yì jìn rén | amiable and approachable (idiom); easy-going; modest and unassuming; (of writing) plain and simple; easy to understand |
交易会 jiāo yì huì | trade fair |
公平交易 gōng píng jiāo yì | fair dealing |
交易员 jiāo yì yuán | dealer; trader |
好容易 hǎo róng yì | (idiomatic usage) with great difficulty; to have a hard time (convincing sb, relinquishing sth etc); (literal usage) so easy |
易懂 yì dǒng | easy to understand |
易燃物 yì rán wù | flammable substance |