change; easy

HSK 3 #461


  • change
  • easy
  • surname Yi
  • abbr. for 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1], the Book of Changes
  • easy
  • amiable
  • to change
  • to exchange
  • prefix corresponding to the English adjective suffix "-able" or "-ible"


易 stroke order diagram
易 stroke order animation


威登 lù yì wēi dēng Louis Vuitton (brand)
经 yì jīng The Book of Changes ("I Ching")
卜生 yì bǔ shēng Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906), Norwegian dramatist, author of Doll's House 玩偶之家
额 mào yì é volume of trade (between countries)
额 jiāo yì é sum or volume of business transactions; turnover
洛魁 yì luò kuí Iroquois
燃物品 yì rán wù pǐn flammable articles
日 jiāo yì rì working day (in banking, share trading)
北河 yì běi hé Elbe River
世界贸组织 shì jiè mào yì zǔ zhī World Trade Organization (WTO)
zhōu yì another name for Book of Changes (I Ching) 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1]
改弦辙 gǎi xián yì zhé change of string, move out of rut (idiom); dramatic change of direction; to dance to a different tune
学 yì xué study of the Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1]; easy to learn
溶 yì róng soluble
谈何容 tán hé róng yì easier said than done (idiom)
一般贸 yī bān mào yì general trade (i.e. importing and export without processing)
一般貿 yī bān mào yì general trade (i.e. importing and export without processing)
上海证券交所 shàng hǎi zhèng quàn jiāo yì suǒ Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE)
上海證券交所 shàng hǎi zhèng quàn jiāo yì suǒ Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE)
上海证券交所综合股价指 shàng hǎi zhèng quàn jiāo yì suǒ zōng hé gǔ jià zhǐ Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) Composite Index
上海證券交所綜合股價指 shàng hǎi zhèng quàn jiāo yì suǒ zōng hé gǔ jià zhǐ Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) Composite Index
之论 bù yì zhī lùn perfectly sound proposition; unalterable truth; irrefutable argument
之論 bù yì zhī lùn perfectly sound proposition; unalterable truth; irrefutable argument
世界贸 shì jiè mào yì world trade; global trade
世界貿 shì jiè mào yì world trade; global trade