
drink; swallow; kind of drink


飲 yǐn
  • old variant of 飲|饮[yin3]
  • to drink
飲 yìn
  • to give (animals) water to drink


而盡 yī yǐn ér jìn to drain the cup in one gulp (idiom)
lěng yǐn cold drink
chuò yǐn to sip
如人水,冷暖自知 rú rén yǐn shuǐ , lěng nuǎn zì zhī the person who drinks it knows best whether the water is hot or cold (Zen proverb); self-awareness comes from within; to know best by personal experience
yàn yǐn to wine and dine; to feast; banquet
jǐn yǐn to share nuptial cup; fig. to get married
手搖料 shǒu yáo yǐn liào hand-mixed drink (of the kind sold at a bubble tea shop)
jū yǐn to drink water by scooping it up with both hands
擇食 jiǎn yǐn zé shí to choose one's food carefully; to be picky
chàng yǐn to have a few drinks; to drink to one's heart's content
暴食 bào yǐn bào shí to eat and drink unreasonably
rè yǐn hot drink
niú yǐn gulp
牽馬到河易,強馬水難 qiān mǎ dào hé yì , qiǎng mǎ yǐn shuǐ nán You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. (idiom)
kuáng yǐn to drink hard
暴食 kuáng yǐn bào shí drunken gluttony (idiom); eating and drinking to excess
生酮食 shēng tóng yǐn shí ketogenic diet
liú yǐn edema (accumulation of interstitial fluids in internal organs); dropsy
tòng yǐn to drink one's fill
百勝餐 bǎi shèng cān yǐn Tricon Global Restaurants (incl. Pizza Hut and KFC)
百勝餐集團 bǎi shèng cān yǐn jí tuán Tricon Global Restaurants (incl. Pizza Hut and KFC)
紙包品 zhǐ bāo yǐn pǐn juice box; drink in a carton; Tetra Pak drink
jù yǐn to meet for social drinking
茹毛血 rú máo yǐn xuè devour raw meat and fowl (of savages)
茹葷酒 rú hūn yǐn jiǔ to eat meat and drink wine
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