HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 1569th character |
RADICAL | ⾷ (184.4) |
INDEX # | 824 |
drink; swallow; kind of drink
饮 yǐn |
饮 yìn |

饮料 yǐn liào | drink; beverage |
饮食 yǐn shí | food and drink; diet |
饮酒 yǐn jiǔ | to drink wine |
餐饮 cān yǐn | food and beverage; catering; repast |
畅饮 chàng yǐn | to have a few drinks; to drink to one's heart's content |
饮水 yǐn shuǐ | drinking water |
饮用水 yǐn yòng shuǐ | drinking water; potable water |
冷饮 lěng yǐn | cold drink |
饮品 yǐn pǐn | beverage |
饮用 yǐn yòng | drink; drinking or drinkable (water) |
狂饮 kuáng yǐn | to drink hard |
痛饮 tòng yǐn | to drink one's fill |
软饮料 ruǎn yǐn liào | soft drink |
热饮 rè yǐn | hot drink |
饮茶 yǐn chá | to have tea and refreshments; to have dimsum lunch (Cantonese) |
茹毛饮血 rú máo yǐn xuè | devour raw meat and fowl (of savages) |
饮水器 yǐn shuǐ qì | water dispenser |
饮水思源 yǐn shuǐ sī yuán | lit. when you drink water, think of its source (idiom); gratitude for blessings and their well-spring; Don't forget where your happiness come from.; Be grateful for all your blessings! |
酣饮 hān yǐn | to drink one's fill |
餐饮店 cān yǐn diàn | dining room; restaurant |
一饮而尽 yī yǐn ér jìn | to drain the cup in one gulp (idiom) |
啜饮 chuò yǐn | to sip |
如人饮水,冷暖自知 rú rén yǐn shuǐ , lěng nuǎn zì zhī | the person who drinks it knows best whether the water is hot or cold (Zen proverb); self-awareness comes from within; to know best by personal experience |
宴饮 yàn yǐn | to wine and dine; to feast; banquet |
卺饮 jǐn yǐn | to share nuptial cup; fig. to get married |