
drag, pull, lead by hand


牽 qiān
  • to lead along
  • to pull (an animal on a tether)
  • (bound form) to involve
  • to draw in


手 shǒu qiān shǒu hand in hand
扒屋牛 bā wū qiān niú to sack the home and lead off the cattle (proverb); to strip of everything
索道 tuō qiān suǒ dào anchor lift (ski-lift)
jū qiān restrained; confined
是騾子是馬,出來遛遛 shì luó zi shì mǎ , qiān chū lai liù liu lit. to see whether it's a mule or a horse, take it out for a walk (idiom); fig. the proof of the pudding is in the eating; to show what one is made of
無掛 wú qiān wú guà to have no cares; to be carefree
一髮而動全身 qiān yī fà ér dòng quán shēn lit. pull one hair and the whole body moves; fig. a slight change will affect everything else; the butterfly effect
制 qiān zhì to control; to curb; to restrict; to impede; to pin down (enemy troops)
動 qiān dòng to affect; to produce a change in sth
就 qiān jiù to concede; to give up
引 qiān yǐn to pull; to draw (a cart); to tow
引力 qiān yǐn lì motive force; traction
引車 qiān yǐn chē tractor
強 qiān qiǎng far-fetched; implausible (chain of reasoning)
強附會 qiān qiǎng fù huì to make an irrelevant comparison or interpretation (idiom)
心 qiān xīn to worry; concerned
心掛腸 qiān xīn guà cháng to worry deeply about sth; extremely concerned
手 qiān shǒu to hold hands
扯 qiān chě to involve; to implicate; to be interrelated
扯不清 qiān chě bù qīng unclear; ambiguous; having an unclear relationship with
扶 qiān fú to lead
掛 qiān guà to worry about; to be concerned about
掣 qiān chè to impede; to hold up
涉 qiān shè to involve; implicated
涉到 qiān shè dào to involve; to drag in
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