帶著希望去旅行,比到達終點更美好 dài zhe xī wàng qù lǚ xíng , bǐ dào dá zhōng diǎn gèng měi hǎo


  1. It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive.


帶 dài belt, girdle, band, strap, zone
著 zhe manifest; (Cant.) to wear
希 xī rare; hope, expect, strive for
望 wàng to look at, look forward; to hope, expect
去 qù go away, leave, depart
旅 lǚ trip, journey; travel; traveler
行 xíng go; walk; move, travel; circulate
比 bǐ to compare, liken; comparison; than
到 dào go to, arrive, been to
達 dá arrive at, reach; intelligent
終 zhōng end; finally, in the end
點 diǎn dot, speck, spot; point, degree
更 gèng more, still further, much more
美 měi beautiful, pretty; pleasing
好 hǎo good, excellent, fine; well