HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 64th character |
RADICAL | ⼛ (28.3) |
INDEX # | 204 |
go away, leave, depart
去 qù |

去年 qù nián | last year |
过去 guò qù | (in the) past; former; previous; to go over; to pass by |
过去 guò qu | (verb suffix) |
失去 shī qù | to lose |
去世 qù shì | to pass away; to die |
出去 chū qù | to go out |
回去 huí qu | to return; to go back |
下去 xià qù | to go down; to descend; to go on; to continue; (of a servant) to withdraw |
进去 jìn qù | to go in |
看上去 kàn shang qu | it would appear; it seems (that) |
死去 sǐ qù | to die |
上去 shàng qù | to go up |
离去 lí qù | to leave; to exit |
去掉 qù diào | to get rid of; to exclude; to eliminate; to remove; to delete; to strip out; to extract |
过不去 guò bu qù | to make life difficult for; to embarrass; unable to make it through |
除去 chú qù | to eliminate; to remove; except for; apart from |
逝去 shì qù | to elapse; to pass away; to die; demise |
去向 qù xiàng | the position of sth; whereabouts |
去除 qù chú | to remove; to dislodge |
去处 qù chù | place; destination |
减去 jiǎn qù | minus; to subtract |
辞去 cí qù | to resign; to quit |
来龙去脉 lái lóng qù mài | the rise and fall of the terrain (idiom); (fig.) the whole sequence of events; causes and effects |
去留 qù liú | going or staying |
过意不去 guò yì bù qù | to feel very apologetic |