HSK | 2 |
FREQUENCY | 199th character |
RADICAL | ⽐ (81.0) |
INDEX # | 105 |
to compare, liken; comparison; than
比 bǐ |
比 bì |
比 bī |

比赛 bǐ sài | competition (sports etc); match; CL:場|场[chang3],次[ci4]; to compete |
比较 bǐ jiào | to compare; to contrast; comparatively; relatively; quite; comparison |
比如 bǐ rú | for example; for instance; such as |
对比 duì bǐ | to contrast; contrast; ratio; CL:個|个[ge4] |
比例 bǐ lì | proportion; scale |
无比 wú bǐ | incomparable; matchless |
比方 bǐ fang | analogy; instance; for instance |
比喻 bǐ yù | to compare; to liken to; metaphor; analogy; figure of speech; figuratively |
比重 bǐ zhòng | proportion; specific gravity |
比尔 bǐ ěr | Bill (name) |
比利 bǐ lì | Pelé (1940-), Edson Arantes Do Nascimento, Brazilian football star |
相比 xiāng bǐ | to compare |
比特 bǐ tè | bit (binary digit) (loanword) |
哥伦比亚 gē lún bǐ yà | Colombia; Columbia (District of, or University etc) |
好比 hǎo bǐ | to be just like; can be compared to |
莎士比亚 shā shì bǐ yà | Shakespeare (name); William Shakespeare (1564-1616), poet and playwright |
比萨 bǐ sà | Pisa, town in Toscana, Italy; pizza (loanword) |
比分 bǐ fēn | score |
比基尼 bǐ jī ní | bikini (loanword) |
比利时 bǐ lì shí | Belgium |
比不上 bǐ bù shàng | can't compare with |
无与伦比 wú yǔ lún bǐ | incomparable |
加勒比 jiā lè bǐ | Caribbean |
波比 bō bǐ | burpee (loanword) |
密西西比 mì xī xī bǐ | Mississippi |