吃著碗裡,瞧著鍋裡 chī zhe wǎn lǐ , qiáo zhe guō lǐ


  1. see 吃著碗裡,看著鍋裡|吃着碗里,看着锅里[chi1 zhe5 wan3 li3 , kan4 zhe5 guo1 li3]


吃 chī eat; drink; suffer, endure, bear
著 zhe manifest; (Cant.) to wear
碗 wǎn bowl, small dish
裡 lǐ inside, interior, within
瞧 qiáo glance at, look at, see
著 zhe manifest; (Cant.) to wear
鍋 guō cooking-pot, saucepan
裡 lǐ inside, interior, within