HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 475th character |
RADICAL | ⼝ (30.3) |
INDEX # | 429 |
eat; drink; suffer, endure, bear
吃 chī |

好吃 hǎo chī | tasty; delicious |
好吃 hào chī | to be fond of eating; to be gluttonous |
吃惊 chī jīng | to be startled; to be shocked; to be amazed |
小吃 xiǎo chī | snack; refreshments; CL:家[jia1] |
吃亏 chī kuī | to suffer losses; to come to grief; to lose out; to get the worst of it; to be at a disadvantage; unfortunately |
吃力 chī lì | to entail strenuous effort; to toil at a task; strenuous; laborious; strain |
吃苦 chī kǔ | to bear hardships |
吃饭 chī fàn | to have a meal; to eat; to make a living |
大吃一惊 dà chī yī jīng | to have a surprise (idiom); shocked or startled; gobsmacked |
吃醋 chī cù | to feel jealous |
吃素 chī sù | to be a vegetarian |
难吃 nán chī | unpalatable |
吃不消 chī bu xiāo | to be unable to tolerate or endure; to find sth difficult to manage |
吃药 chī yào | to take medicine |
贪吃 tān chī | gluttonous; voracious |
自讨苦吃 zì tǎo kǔ chī | to ask for trouble (idiom); to make a rod for one's own back |
白吃 bái chī | to eat without paying; to eat for free |
口吃 kǒu chī | to stammer; to stutter; also pr. [kou3 ji2] |
吃香 chī xiāng | popular; in demand; well regarded |
吃喝 chī hē | to eat and drink; food and drink |
小吃店 xiǎo chī diàn | snack bar; lunch room; CL:家[jia1] |
吃苦头 chī kǔ tou | to suffer; to suffer for one's actions; to pay dearly; to burn one's fingers |
大吃大喝 dà chī dà hē | to eat and drink as much as one likes; to make a pig of oneself |
吃法 chī fǎ | way of eating; how something is eaten; how a dish is prepared; the way a dish is to be cooked |
吃得消 chī de xiāo | to be able to endure (exertion, fatigue etc); to be able to afford |