
cooking-pot, saucepan


鍋 guō
  • pot
  • pan
  • boiler
  • CL:口[kou3],隻|只[zhi1]


一品 yī pǐn guō dish containing a variety of meats and vegetables arranged in a broth in a clay pot; chafing dish
一粒老鼠屎壞了一粥 yī lì lǎo shǔ shǐ huài le yī guō zhōu lit. a piece of rat feces spoiled the whole pot of congee (idiom); fig. one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch
端 yī guō duān see 連鍋端|连锅端 [lian2 guo1 duan1]
粥 yī guō zhōu (lit.) a pot of porridge; (fig.) a complete mess
一顆老鼠屎壞了一湯 yī kē lǎo shǔ shǐ huài le yī guō tāng lit. a piece of rat feces spoiled the whole pot of soup (idiom); fig. one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch
一顆老鼠屎壞了一粥 yī kē lǎo shǔ shǐ huài le yī guō zhōu see 一粒老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥|一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅粥[yi1 li4 lao3 shu3 shi3 huai4 le5 yi1 guo1 zhou1]
不到火候不揭 bù dào huǒ hòu bù jiē guō don't act until the time is ripe (idiom)
不沾 bù zhān guō non-stick pan (Tw)
不粘 bù zhān guō non-stick pan
頭 èr guō tóu erguotou (sorghum liquor)
fēn guō (dialect) to set up separate households; (sports etc) to analyze the reasons for a defeat
反應 fǎn yìng guō reaction pot (chemical engineering); cauldron (at Hogwarts 霍格沃茨)
吃大飯 chī dà guō fàn lit. to eat from the common pot (idiom); fig. to be rewarded the same, regardless of performance
吃著碗裡,看著裡 chī zhe wǎn lǐ , kàn zhe guō lǐ lit. eyeing what's in the pot as one eats from one's bowl (idiom); not content with what one already has; (of men, typically) to have the wandering eye
吃著碗裡,瞧著裡 chī zhe wǎn lǐ , qiáo zhe guō lǐ see 吃著碗裡,看著鍋裡|吃着碗里,看着锅里[chi1 zhe5 wan3 li3 , kan4 zhe5 guo1 li3]
huí guō to cook again; to rewarm food
油 huí guō yóu to use the same oil repeatedly for deep frying (a possible health hazard)
肉 huí guō ròu twice-cooked pork
壓力 yā lì guō pressure cooker
dà guō a big wok; cauldron
飯 dà guō fàn meal cooked in a large pot; communal meal; (fig.) system that rewards everyone equally regardless of merit
奶酪火 nǎi lào huǒ guō fondue
平底 píng dǐ guō frying pan
píng guō pan
kuài guō pressure cooker (Tw)
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