吃人家的嘴軟,拿人家的手短 chī rén jiā de zuǐ ruǎn , ná rén jiā de shǒu duǎn


  1. lit. the mouth that has been fed by others is soft, the hand that has received doesn't reach (idiom)
  2. fig. one is partial to those from whom presents have been accepted


吃 chī eat; drink; suffer, endure, bear
人 rén man; people; mankind; someone else
家 jiā house, home, residence; family
的 de possessive, adjectival suffix
嘴 zuǐ mouth, lips
軟 ruǎn soft, flexible, pliable; weak
拿 ná take, hold, grasp; bring; with
人 rén man; people; mankind; someone else
家 jiā house, home, residence; family
的 de possessive, adjectival suffix
手 shǒu hand
短 duǎn short; brief; deficient, lacking