HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 645th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.6) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1983 |
take, hold, grasp; bring; with
- take, hold, grasp
- bring
- with
- old variant of 拿[na2]
- variant of 拿[na2]
- to hold
- to seize
- to catch
- to apprehend
- to take
- (used in the same way as 把[ba3]: to mark the following noun as a direct object)

拿手 ná shǒu | expert in; good at |
拿走 ná zǒu | to take away |
加拿大 jiā ná dà | Canada; Canadian |
拿下 ná xià | to arrest; to capture; to seize; to win (a set, a game etc) |
拿破仑 ná pò lún | variant of 拿破崙|拿破仑[Na2 po4 lun2]; Napoleon (name); Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), Emperor of France 1804-1815 |
巴拿马 bā ná mǎ | Panama |
桑拿 sāng ná | sauna (loanword) |
蒙大拿 méng dà ná | Montana, US state |
捉拿 zhuō ná | to arrest; to catch a criminal |
拿撒勒 ná sǎ lè | Nazareth (in Biblical Palestine) |
缉拿 jī ná | to arrest; to seize |
蒙大拿州 méng dà ná zhōu | Montana, US state |
拿骚 ná sāo | Nassau, capital of The Bahamas |
拿出 ná chū | to take out; to put out; to provide; to put forward (a proposal); to come up with (evidence) |
十拿九稳 shí ná jiǔ wěn | to be a cinch; in the bag; (of a person) confident of success |
捉拿归案 zhuō ná guī àn | to bring to justice |
推拿 tuī ná | tui na (form of Chinese manual therapy) |
墨西拿 mò xī ná | Messina, Sicilian city |
巴拿马城 bā ná mǎ chéng | Panama City |
拿人 ná rén | making things awkward; to cause difficulties; to exert influence; to attract |
一把死拿 yī bǎ sǐ ná | stubborn; inflexible |
亚米拿达 yà mǐ ná dá | Amminadab (son of Ram) |
亞米拿達 yà mǐ ná dá | Amminadab (son of Ram) |
代拿买特 dài ná mǎi tè | dynamite (loanword) |
代拿買特 dài ná mǎi tè | dynamite (loanword) |