不怕神一樣的對手,就怕豬一樣的隊友 bù pà shén yī yàng de duì shǒu , jiù pà zhū yī yàng de duì yǒu


  1. a boneheaded teammate can do you more harm than the most formidable opponent (idiom)


不 bù no, not; un-; negative prefix
怕 pà to fear, be afraid of; apprehensive
神 shén spirit, god, supernatural being
一 yī one; a, an; alone
樣 yàng shape, form, pattern, style
的 de possessive, adjectival suffix
對 duì correct, right; facing, opposed
手 shǒu hand
就 jiù just, simply; to come, go to; to approach, near
怕 pà to fear, be afraid of; apprehensive
豬 zhū pig, hog
一 yī one; a, an; alone
樣 yàng shape, form, pattern, style
的 de possessive, adjectival suffix
隊 duì team, group; army unit
友 yǒu friend, companion; fraternity