丈二金剛摸不著頭腦 zhàng èr jīn gāng mō bu zháo tóu nǎo


  1. see 丈二和尚,摸不著頭腦|丈二和尚,摸不着头脑[zhang4 er4 he2 shang5 , mo1 bu5 zhao2 tou2 nao3]


丈 zhàng unit of length equal 3.3 meters; gentleman, man, husband
二 èr two; twice
金 jīn gold; metals in general; money
剛 gāng hard, tough, rigid, strong
摸 mō gently touch with hand; caress
不 bu no, not; un-; negative prefix
著 zháo manifest; (Cant.) to wear
頭 tóu head; top; chief, first; boss
腦 nǎo brain