鞠躬盡瘁,死而後已 jū gōng jìn cuì , sǐ ér hòu yǐ


  1. to bend to a task and spare no effort unto one's dying day (idiom); striving to the utmost one's whole life
  2. with every breath in one's body, unto one's dying day


鞠 jū bow, bend; rear, raise, nourish
躬 gōng body; personally, in person
盡 jìn exhaust, use up; deplete
瘁 cuì feel tired, be weary, be worn out
死 sǐ die; dead; death
而 ér and; and then; and yet; but
後 hòu behind, rear, after; descendents
已 yǐ already; finished; stop