RADICAL | ⼻ (60.6) |
behind, rear, after; descendents
- behind, rear, after
- descendents
- surname Hou
- empress
- queen
- (archaic) monarch
- ruler
- back
- behind
- rear
- afterwards
- after
- later
- post-

三思而後行 sān sī ér hòu xíng | think again and again before acting (idiom); consider carefully in advance |
不孝有三,無後為大 bù xiào yǒu sān , wú hòu wéi dà | There are three ways to be unfilial; having no sons is the worst. (citation from Mencius 孟子[Meng4 zi3]) |
不甘人後 bù gān rén hòu | (idiom) not want to be outdone; not content to lag behind |
不甘後人 bù gān hòu rén | (idiom) not want to be outdone; not content to lag behind |
不顧前後 bù gù qián hòu | regardless of what's before or after (idiom); rushing blindly into sth |
之後 zhī hòu | afterwards; following; later; after |
九零後 jiǔ líng hòu | 90s generation |
事後 shì hòu | after the event; in hindsight; in retrospect |
事後聰明 shì hòu cōng ming | wise after the event (idiom); with hindsight, one should have predicted it |
事後諸葛亮 shì hòu zhū gě liàng | a genius in retrospect (idiom); hindsight is 20-20 |
今後 jīn hòu | hereafter; henceforth; in the future; from now on |
以後 yǐ hòu | after; later; afterwards; following; later on; in the future |
先來後到 xiān lái hòu dào | in order of arrival; first come, first served |
先兵後禮 xiān bīng hòu lǐ | opposite of 先禮後兵|先礼后兵[xian1 li3 hou4 bing1] |
先天下之憂而憂,後天下之樂而樂 xiān tiān xià zhī yōu ér yōu , hòu tiān xià zhī lè ér lè | The first concern is affairs of state, enjoying the pleasure comes later. Quotation from essay On Yueyang Tower 岳陽樓記|岳阳楼记 by Song writer Fan Zhongyan 范仲淹[Fan4 Zhong4 yan1] |
先後 xiān hòu | early or late; priority; in succession; one after another |
先後順序 xiān hòu shùn xù | order of priority; sequential order |
先斬後奏 xiān zhǎn hòu zòu | first decapitate then present your trophy (idiom); act first, report later |
先有後婚 xiān yǒu hòu hūn | marriage arranged following a pregnancy; marriage necessitated by an unplanned pregnancy |
先禮後兵 xiān lǐ hòu bīng | peaceful measures before using force (idiom); diplomacy before violence; jaw-jaw is better than war-war |
光前裕後 guāng qián yù hòu | to bring honor to one's ancestors and benefit future generations (idiom) |
其後 qí hòu | next; later; after that |
刀不磨要生銹,人不學要落後 dāo bù mó yào shēng xiù , rén bù xué yào luò hòu | a blade will get rusty if it is not sharpened; a man will fall behind if he doesn't study (idiom) |
前不巴村,後不巴店 qián bù bā cūn , hòu bù bā diàn | see 前不著村,後不著店|前不着村,后不着店[qian2 bu4 zhao2 cun1 , hou4 bu4 zhao2 dian4] |
前不著村,後不著店 qián bù zháo cūn , hòu bù zháo diàn | lit. no village ahead and no inn behind (idiom); fig. to be stranded in the middle of nowhere; to be in a predicament |