queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after
- queen, empress, sovereign
- (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after
- surname Hou
- empress
- queen
- (archaic) monarch
- ruler
- back
- behind
- rear
- afterwards
- after
- later
- post-

后面 hòu miàn | rear; back; behind; later; afterwards; also pr. [hou4 mian5] |
然后 rán hòu | after; then (afterwards); after that; afterwards |
最后 zuì hòu | final; last; finally; ultimate |
后来 hòu lái | afterwards; later |
后悔 hòu huǐ | to regret; to repent |
后果 hòu guǒ | consequences; aftermath |
落后 luò hòu | to fall behind; to lag (in technology etc); backward; to retrogress |
后背 hòu bèi | the back (human anatomy); the back part of sth |
皇后 huáng hòu | empress; imperial consort |
后代 hòu dài | descendant; progeny; posterity; later ages; later generations |
后勤 hòu qín | logistics |
空前绝后 kōng qián jué hòu | unprecedented and never to be duplicated; the first and the last; unmatched; unique |
争先恐后 zhēng xiān kǒng hòu | striving to be first and fearing to be last (idiom); outdoing one another |
后顾之忧 hòu gù zhī yōu | fears of trouble in the rear (idiom); family worries (obstructing freedom of action); worries about the future consequences; often in negative expressions, meaning "no worries about anything" |
之后 zhī hòu | afterwards; following; later; after |
以后 yǐ hòu | after; later; afterwards; following; later on; in the future |
背后 bèi hòu | behind; at the back; in the rear; behind sb's back |
稍后 shāo hòu | in a little while; in a moment; later on |
后退 hòu tuì | to recoil; to draw back; to fall back; to retreat |
身后 shēn hòu | posthumous; one's social background; behind the body |
后备 hòu bèi | reserve; backup |
幕后 mù hòu | behind the scenes |
后门 hòu mén | the back door; fig. under the counter (indirect way for influence or pressure); anus |
后台 hòu tái | backstage area; behind-the-scenes supporter; (computing) back-end; background |
后院 hòu yuàn | rear court; back garden; backyard (also fig.) |