路遙知馬力,日久見人心 lù yáo zhī mǎ lì , rì jiǔ jiàn rén xīn


  1. just as distance determines the stamina of a horse, so does time reveal a person's true heart (proverb)


路 lù road, path, street; journey
遙 yáo far away, distant, remote
知 zhī know, perceive, comprehend
馬 mǎ horse; surname; KangXi radical 187
力 lì power, capability, influence
日 rì sun; day; daytime
久 jiǔ long time (ago); time passage, grow late
見 jiàn see, observe, behold; perceive
人 rén man; people; mankind; someone else
心 xīn heart; mind, intelligence; soul