
far away, distant, remote


  • far away, distant, remote
  • distant
  • remote
  • far
  • far away


píng yáo Pingyao county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi
縣 píng yáo xiàn Pingyao county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi
路途遠 lù tú yáo yuǎn distant; far-flung
知馬力,日久見人心 lù yáo zhī mǎ lì , rì jiǔ jiàn rén xīn just as distance determines the stamina of a horse, so does time reveal a person's true heart (proverb)
xiāo yáo free and unfettered
法外 xiāo yáo fǎ wài unfettered and beyond the law (idiom); evading retribution; getting away with it (e.g. crimes); still at large
自在 xiāo yáo zì zai free and at leisure (idiom); unfettered; outside the reach of the law (of criminal); at large
自得 xiāo yáo zì dé doing as one pleases (idiom); foot-loose and fancy free
不可及 yáo bù kě jí unattainable; far-fetched; out of reach; exceedingly remote or distant
感 yáo gǎn remote sensing
控 yáo kòng remote control
控器 yáo kòng qì remote control
控操作 yáo kòng cāo zuò remote operation
望 yáo wàng to look into the distance
測 yáo cè telemetry
觀 yáo guān to look into the distance
yáo yáo distant; remote
無期 yáo yáo wú qī far in the indefinite future (idiom); so far away it seems forever
領先 yáo yáo lǐng xiān a long way in front; to lead by a wide margin
遠 yáo yuǎn distant; remote
一步之 yī bù zhī yáo just a step away; very close distance
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