jiàn xiàn

see, observe, behold; perceive


見 jiàn
  • to see
  • to meet
  • to appear (to be sth)
  • to interview
見 xiàn
  • to appear
  • also written 現|现[xian4]


見 stroke order diagram


一孔之 yī kǒng zhī jiàn partial view; limited outlook
一日不,如隔三秋 yī rì bù jiàn , rú gé sān qiū one day apart seems like three years (idiom)
一般識 yī bān jiàn shi to lower oneself to sb's level; to argue with sb less well-informed
傾心 yī jiàn qīng xīn love at first sight
如故 yī jiàn rú gù familiarity at first sight
鐘情 yī jiàn zhōng qíng love at first sight (idiom)
高低 yī jiàn gāo dī lit. to fight it out with sb to see who is best (idiom); fig. to cross swords with; to lock horns
一針血 yī zhēn jiàn xiě lit. to draw blood on the first prick (idiom); fig. to hit the nail on the head
bù jiàn not to see; not to meet; to have disappeared; to be missing
一點蹤影 bù jiàn yī diǎn zōng yǐng no trace to be seen
不散 bù jiàn bù sàn lit. Even if we don't see each other, don't give up and leave (idiom); fig. Be sure to wait!; See you there!
了 bù jiàn le to have disappeared; to be missing; nowhere to be found
兔子不撒鷹 bù jiàn tù zi bù sā yīng you don't release the hawk until you've seen the hare (idiom); one doesn't act without some incentive
天日 bù jiàn tiān rì all black, no daylight (idiom); a world without justice
得 bù jiàn de not necessarily; not likely
棺材不落淚 bù jiàn guān cai bù luò lèi lit. not to shed a tear until one sees the coffin (idiom); fig. refuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality
經傳 bù jiàn jīng zhuàn not found in the classics (idiom); unknown; unfounded; not authoritative
zhǔ jiàn one's own view; having definite opinions
井蛙之 jǐng wā zhī jiàn the view of a frog in a well (idiom); fig. a narrow view
人愛 rén jiàn rén ài loved by all; to have universal appeal
仁者仁,智者智 rén zhě jiàn rén , zhì zhě jiàn zhì The benevolent sees benevolence, the wise sees wisdom.; Different views are admissible. (idiom)
仇人相,分外眼紅 chóu rén xiāng jiàn , fèn wài yǎn hóng when the enemies come face to face, their eyes blaze with hatred (idiom)
伸手不五指 shēn shǒu bù jiàn wǔ zhǐ pitch-dark (idiom)
何以得 hé yǐ jiàn dé how can one be sure?
piān jiàn prejudice
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