HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 637th character |
RADICAL | ⼃ (4.2) |
INDEX # | 47 |
long time (ago); time passage, grow late
- long time (ago)
- time passage, grow late
- (long) time
- (long) duration of time

悠久 yōu jiǔ | long (tradition, history etc) |
持久 chí jiǔ | lasting; enduring; persistent; permanent; protracted; endurance; persistence; to last long |
多久 duō jiǔ | how long? |
好久 hǎo jiǔ | quite a while |
不久 bù jiǔ | not long (after); before too long; soon; soon after |
长久 cháng jiǔ | (for a) long time |
永久 yǒng jiǔ | everlasting; perpetual; lasting; forever; permanent |
久等 jiǔ děng | to wait for a long time |
不久前 bù jiǔ qián | not long ago |
永久性 yǒng jiǔ xìng | permanent |
久仰 jiǔ yǎng | honorific: I've long looked forward to meeting you.; It's an honor to meet you at last. |
前不久 qián bù jiǔ | not long ago; not long before |
许久 xǔ jiǔ | for a long time; for ages |
久远 jiǔ yuǎn | old; ancient; far away |
久留 jiǔ liú | to stay for a long time |
天长地久 tiān cháng dì jiǔ | enduring while the world lasts (idiom); eternal |
恒久 héng jiǔ | constant; persistent; long-lasting; eternal |
久违 jiǔ wéi | (haven't done sth) for a long time; a long time since we last met |
持久战 chí jiǔ zhàn | prolonged war; war of attrition |
久久 jiǔ jiǔ | for a very long time |
久而久之 jiǔ ér jiǔ zhī | over time; as time passes; in the fullness of time |
久闻大名 jiǔ wén dà míng | your name has been known to me for a long time (polite) |
久负盛名 jiǔ fù shèng míng | seasoned; honed to perfection over centuries; special reserve |
经久不衰 jīng jiǔ bù shuāi | unfailing; never-ending |
良久 liáng jiǔ | a good while; a long time |