虛心使人進步,驕傲使人落後 xū xīn shǐ rén jìn bù , jiāo ào shǐ rén luò hòu


  1. Modesty leads to progress, arrogance makes you drop behind (favorite slogan of Mao Zedong)


虛 xū false, worthless; empty, hollow
心 xīn heart; mind, intelligence; soul
使 shǐ cause, send on a mission, order; envoy, messenger, ambassador
人 rén man; people; mankind; someone else
進 jìn advance, make progress, enter
步 bù step, pace; walk, stroll
驕 jiāo spirited horse; haughty
傲 ào proud, haughty, overbearing
使 shǐ cause, send on a mission, order; envoy, messenger, ambassador
人 rén man; people; mankind; someone else
落 luò fall, drop; net income, surplus
後 hòu behind, rear, after; descendents