泰米爾伊拉姆猛虎解放組織 tài mǐ ěr yī lā mǔ měng hǔ jiě fàng zǔ zhī


  1. Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam


泰 tài great, exalted, superior; big
米 mǐ hulled or husked uncooked rice
爾 ěr you; that, those; final particle
伊 yī third person pronoun; he, she, this, that
拉 lā pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen
姆 mǔ child's governess; matron
猛 měng violent, savage, cruel; bold
虎 hǔ tiger; brave, fierce; surname
解 jiě loosen, unfasten, untie; explain
放 fàng put, release, free, liberate
組 zǔ class; section, department
織 zhī weave, knit; organize, unite