third person pronoun; he, she, this, that



  • third person pronoun
  • he, she, this, that
  • surname Yi
  • abbr. for 伊拉克[Yi1 la1 ke4], Iraq
  • abbr. for 伊朗[Yi1 lang3], Iran
  • (old) third person singular pronoun ("he" or "she")
  • second person singular pronoun ("you")
  • (May 4th period) third person singular feminine pronoun ("she")
  • (Classical Chinese) introductory particle with no specific meaning
  • that (preceding a noun)


伊 stroke order diagram
伊 stroke order animation


拉克 yī lā kè Iraq
丽莎白 yī lì shā bái Elizabeth (person name)
木乃 mù nǎi yī mummy (preserved corpse) (loanword)
娃 yī wá Eva (name)
朗 yī lǎng Iran
特洛 tè luò yī ancient city of Troy
凡 yī fán Ivan (Russian name)
斯兰 yī sī lán Islam
弗洛德 fú luò yī dé Floyd (name); Freud (name); Dr Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), the founder of psychoanalysis
甸园 yī diàn yuán Garden of Eden
戈尔 yī gē ěr Igor
斯兰教 yī sī lán jiào Islam
斯坦布尔 yī sī tǎn bù ěr Istanbul, Turkey
斯特 yī sī tè Istres (French town)
斯兰堡 yī sī lán bǎo Islamabad, capital of Pakistan
利诺州 yī lì nuò yī zhōu Illinois, US state
尔 zhā yī ěr Zaire
利诺 yī lì nuò yī Illinois, US state
藤 yī téng Itō or Itoh, Japanese surname; Ito-Yokado (supermarket) (abbr. for 伊藤洋華堂|伊藤洋华堂)
佛洛德 fó luò yī dé Floyd (name); Freud (name); Dr Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), the founder of psychoanalysis
士 sū yī shì Suez (canal)
始 yī shǐ outset; beginning
斯坦堡 yī sī tǎn bǎo Istanbul (Tw)
莉莎白 yī lì shā bái Elizabeth; also written 伊麗莎白|伊丽莎白
利亚特 yī lì yà tè Homer's Iliad
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