third person pronoun; he, she, this, that



  • third person pronoun
  • he, she, this, that
  • surname Yi
  • abbr. for 伊拉克[Yi1 la1 ke4], Iraq
  • abbr. for 伊朗[Yi1 lang3], Iran
  • (old) third person singular pronoun ("he" or "she")
  • second person singular pronoun ("you")
  • (May 4th period) third person singular feminine pronoun ("she")
  • (Classical Chinese) introductory particle with no specific meaning
  • that (preceding a noun)


伊 stroke order diagram
伊 stroke order animation


利湖 yī lì hú Lake Erie, one of the Great Lakes 五大湖[Wu3 da4 hu2]
萨卡 yī sà kǎ Ithaca, Island state of Greece, the home of Odysseus 奧迪修斯|奥迪修斯; Ithaca NY, location of Cornell University 康奈爾|康奈尔
西 bó yī xī Boise, Idaho
比利亚 yī bǐ lì yà Iberia; the Iberian peninsula
索 yī suǒ Aesop (trad. 620-560 BC), Greek slave and storyteller, supposed author of Aesop's fables
里奇 yī lǐ qí Ilyich or Illich (name)
巴哈 bā hā yī Baha'i (religion)
利诺 yī lì nuò Illinois, US state
曼 yī màn see 伊瑪目|伊玛目[yi1 ma3 mu4]
波拉 yī bō lā Ebola (virus)
尔库茨克 yī ěr kù cí kè Irkutsk
玛目 yī mǎ mù imam (Islam) (loanword)
蚊 yī wén Aedes, a genus of mosquito
斯堡 dù yī sī bǎo Duisburg, city in the Ruhr 魯爾區|鲁尔区[Lu3 er3 Qu1], Germany
中俄犁条约 zhōng é yī lí tiáo yuē Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881, whereby Russia handed back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights
中俄犁條約 zhōng é yī lí tiáo yuē Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881, whereby Russia handed back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights
中国斯兰教协会 zhōng guó yī sī lán jiào xié huì Chinese Patriotic Islamic Association
中國斯蘭教協會 zhōng guó yī sī lán jiào xié huì Chinese Patriotic Islamic Association
人 yī rén (literary) that person (usually female); she; one's intended
伦 yī lún Irun (city in Basque region of Spain)
倫 yī lún Irun (city in Basque region of Spain)
利亞特 yī lì yà tè Homer's Iliad
利埃斯库 yī lì āi sī kù Iliescu
利埃斯庫 yī lì āi sī kù Iliescu
利格瑞 yī lì gé ruì Luce Irigaray (1930-), French psychoanalyst and feminist