HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 291st character |
RADICAL | ⽁ (66.4) |
INDEX # | 1223 |
put, release, free, liberate
放 fàng |

放心 fàng xīn | to feel relieved; to feel reassured; to be at ease |
放弃 fàng qì | to renounce; to abandon; to give up |
放松 fàng sōng | to loosen; to relax |
放暑假 fàng shǔ jià | spend summer vacation |
播放 bō fàng | to broadcast; to transmit |
开放 kāi fàng | to bloom; to open; to be open (to the public); to open up (to the outside); to be open-minded; unrestrained by convention; unconstrained in one's sexuality |
释放 shì fàng | to release; to set free; to liberate (a prisoner); to discharge |
解放 jiě fàng | to liberate; to emancipate; liberation; refers to the Communists' victory over the Nationalists in 1949; CL:次[ci4] |
放大 fàng dà | to enlarge; to magnify |
放射 fàng shè | to radiate; radioactive |
排放 pái fàng | emission; discharge; exhaust (gas etc) |
放下 fàng xià | to lay down; to put down; to let go of; to relinquish; to set aside; to lower (the blinds etc) |
放开 fàng kāi | to let go; to release |
放手 fàng shǒu | to let go one's hold; to give up; to have a free hand |
放屁 fàng pì | to fart; to break wind; to talk nonsense; Utter rubbish! |
放学 fàng xué | to dismiss students at the end of the school day |
流放 liú fàng | to exile; to banish; to deport; to float (logs) downstream |
放过 fàng guò | to let off; to let slip by; to let sb get away with sth |
放逐 fàng zhú | to banish; to deport; to send into exile; to be marooned |
放出 fàng chū | to let off; to give out |
放假 fàng jià | to have a holiday or vacation |
放纵 fàng zòng | to indulge; to pamper; to connive at; permissive; indulgent; self-indulgent; unrestrained; undisciplined; uncultured; boorish |
放火 fàng huǒ | to set on fire; to commit arson; to create a disturbance |
放射性 fàng shè xìng | radioactive |
放荡 fàng dàng | licentious; wanton; morally unrestrained |