實踐是檢驗真理的唯一標準 shí jiàn shì jiǎn yàn zhēn lǐ de wéi yī biāo zhǔn


  1. Actual practice is the sole criterion for judging truth (item from Deng Xiaoping theory, from 1978)


實 shí real, true, solid, honest
踐 jiàn trample, tread upon, walk on
是 shì indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that
檢 jiǎn check; examine
驗 yàn test, examine, inspect; verify
真 zhēn real, actual, true, genuine
理 lǐ reason, logic; manage
的 de possessive, adjectival suffix
唯 wéi only; yes
一 yī one; a, an; alone
標 biāo a mark, symbol, label, sign; standard
準 zhǔn rule, guideline, standard