
test, examine, inspect; verify


  • test, examine, inspect
  • verify
  • variant of 驗|验[yan4]
  • to examine
  • to test
  • to check


久經考 jiǔ jīng kǎo yàn well tested (idiom); seasoned; veteran
xiān yàn a priori (philosophy)
概率 xiān yàn gài lǜ prior probability (statistics)
全面禁止核試條約 quán miàn jìn zhǐ hé shì yàn tiáo yuē Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
出入境檢檢疫局 chū rù jìng jiǎn yàn jiǎn yì jú entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau
kān yàn to investigate; examination
huà yàn chemical examination; to do a lab test
噴氣推進實室 pēn qì tuī jìn shí yàn shì Jet Propulsion Laboratory, R&D center in Pasadena, California
國家質量監督檢檢疫總局 guó jiā zhì liàng jiān dū jiǎn yàn jiǎn yì zǒng jú AQSIQ; PRC State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
國家重點實室 guó jiā zhòng diǎn shí yàn shì State Key Laboratories (university laboratories in PRC supported by the central government)
地下核試 dì xià hé shì yàn underground nuclear test
大學學科能力測 dà xué xué kē néng lì cè yàn General Scholastic Ability Test (college entrance exam in Taiwan)
大氣層核試 dà qì céng hé shì yàn atmospheric nuclear test
妊娠試 rèn shēn shì yàn pregnancy test
完形測 wán xíng cè yàn Gestalt test
chá yàn to examine
實踐是檢真理的唯一標準 shí jiàn shì jiǎn yàn zhēn lǐ de wéi yī biāo zhǔn Actual practice is the sole criterion for judging truth (item from Deng Xiaoping theory, from 1978)
shí yàn experiment; test; CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]; experimental; to experiment
室 shí yàn shì laboratory; CL:間|间[jian1]
室感染 shí yàn shì gǎn rǎn laboratory infection
心理學 shí yàn xīn lǐ xué experimental psychology
所 shí yàn suǒ laboratory; institute
巴氏試 bā shì shì yàn Pap test (medicine)
布魯克海文國家實室 bù lǔ kè hǎi wén guó jiā shí yàn shì Brookhaven National Laboratory
布魯克海文實室 bù lǔ kè hǎi wén shí yàn shì Brookhaven National Laboratory
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