取其精华,去其糟粕 qǔ qí jīng huá , qù qí zāo pò


  1. take the cream, discard the dross (political and educational slogan)
  2. keep what is good, discard the rest
  3. You need to be selective when studying.
  4. In modernizing the country, don't accept uncritically all foreign ideas.


取 qǔ take, receive, obtain; select
其 qí his, her, its, their; that
精 jīng essence; semen; spirit
华 huá flowery; illustrious; Chinese
去 qù go away, leave, depart
其 qí his, her, its, their; that
糟 zāo sediment, dregs; pickle
粕 pò lees, dregs, sediments left after distilling liquor