
top, peak; carry on head; very


  • top, peak
  • carry on head
  • very
  • apex
  • crown of the head
  • top
  • roof
  • most
  • to carry on the head
  • to push to the top
  • to go against
  • to replace
  • to substitute
  • to be subjected to (an aerial bombing, hailstorm etc)
  • (slang) to "bump" a forum thread to raise its profile
  • classifier for headwear, hats, veils etc


頂 stroke order diagram


住 dǐng zhù to withstand; to stand up to
冒 dǐng mào abbr. for 頂名冒姓|顶名冒姓[ding3 ming2 mao4 xing4]
包 dǐng bāo to serve as forced labor; to take the rap for sb
名冒姓 dǐng míng mào xìng to pretend to be sb else
呱呱 dǐng guā guā tip-top; excellent; first-rate
嘴 dǐng zuǐ to talk back; to answer back
多 dǐng duō at most; at best
天立地 dǐng tiān lì dì lit. able to support both heaven and earth; of indomitable spirit (idiom)
夸克 dǐng kuā kè top quark (particle physics)
客 dǐng kè see 丁克[ding1 ke4]
尖 dǐng jiān peak; apex; world best; number one; finest (competitors); top (figures in a certain field)
尖兒 dǐng jiān r erhua variant of 頂尖|顶尖[ding3 jian1]
尖級 dǐng jiān jí first class; top; world best
層 dǐng céng top floor; the top of a building
峰 dǐng fēng peak; summit; fig. high point; masterpiece
崗 dǐng gǎng to replace sb on a workshift; to substitute for
戴 dǐng dài cap badge (official sign of rank in Qing dynasty)
拜 dǐng bài to prostrate oneself; to kneel and bow the head (in submission, supplication, worship etc)
撞 dǐng zhuàng to contradict (elders or superiors)
擋 dǐng dǎng to resist; to obstruct; to bear responsibility for
替 dǐng tì to replace
板 dǐng bǎn roof; roof plate; rock layer forming roof of a cave or mine; abacus
架 dǐng jià cabin
格 dǐng gé (typesetting) to not indent; to set the text flush with the left (or top) margin
桿 dǐng gǎn top bar; crown bar