
top, peak; carry on head; very


  • top, peak
  • carry on head
  • very
  • apex
  • crown of the head
  • top
  • roof
  • most
  • to carry on the head
  • to push to the top
  • to go against
  • to replace
  • to substitute
  • to be subjected to (an aerial bombing, hailstorm etc)
  • (slang) to "bump" a forum thread to raise its profile
  • classifier for headwear, hats, veils etc


頂 stroke order diagram


梁柱 dǐng liáng zhù pillar; backbone
棒 dǐng bàng bucking bar (metal bar fixing the tail of a rivet as it is driven)
棚 dǐng péng ceiling; awning (under ceiling)
樓 dǐng lóu top floor; attic; loft; garret; penthouse; (flat) rooftop (often used as an outdoor living area etc)
燈 dǐng dēng dome light (of a taxi etc); ceiling light (in a room); interior light (of a car); light on the top of a mast etc
牛兒 dǐng niú r to push with the forehead; to lock horns; to be at loggerheads
班 dǐng bān to take over sb else's job; to substitute for
用 dǐng yòng to be of use
目 dǐng mù item; event; project
禮膜拜 dǐng lǐ mó bài to prostrate oneself in worship (idiom); (fig.) to worship; to bow down to
端 dǐng duān summit; peak
級 dǐng jí top-notch; first-rate
缸 dǐng gāng to take the blame; to be a scapegoat; to carry the can
罪 dǐng zuì to take the blame for sb else; to compensate for one's crime; to get charges dropped (by paying money etc)
芽 dǐng yá terminal bud (growing at the tip of a plant)
葉 dǐng yè parietal lobe
蓋 dǐng gài roof; lid
補 dǐng bǔ to fill a vacancy; to substitute for
角 dǐng jiǎo angle at apex; summit angle; cusp
謝 dǐng xiè to bow in thanks
讓 dǐng ràng to hand over (a business etc) for an agreed price (Tw)
輪 dǐng lún sahasrāra or sahasrara, the crown or fontanel chakra 查克拉, residing at the top of the skull
部 dǐng bù roof; topmost part; top (of tree, wall etc); apex
針 dǐng zhēn thimble
門壯戶 dǐng mén zhuàng hù to support the family business (idiom)