
top, peak; carry on head; very


  • top, peak
  • carry on head
  • very
  • apex
  • crown of the head
  • top
  • roof
  • most
  • to carry on the head
  • to push to the top
  • to go against
  • to replace
  • to substitute
  • to be subjected to (an aerial bombing, hailstorm etc)
  • (slang) to "bump" a forum thread to raise its profile
  • classifier for headwear, hats, veils etc


頂 stroke order diagram


鵐 bái dǐng wú (bird species of China) white-capped bunting (Emberiza stewarti)
鵖 bái dǐng bī (bird species of China) pied wheatear (Oenanthe pleschanka)
白骨 bái gǔ dǐng coot
跑車 yìng dǐng pǎo chē sports coupé (car)
禿 tū dǐng bald head
qióng dǐng dome; vault; domed roof
péng dǐng canopy; roof; ceiling
綠鳩 hóng dǐng lǜ jiū (bird species of China) whistling green pigeon (Treron formosae)
鶥 hóng dǐng méi (bird species of China) chestnut-capped babbler (Timalia pileata)
聰明 jué dǐng cōng ming extremely bright (idiom)
zhì dǐng to sticky (an Internet forum thread etc)
聰明絕 cōng ming jué dǐng highly intelligent (idiom)
向下 zì dǐng xiàng xià top-down
茅屋 máo wū dǐng thatch roof
螺旋千斤 luó xuán qiān jīn dǐng screw jack
雀鶥 hè dǐng què méi (bird species of China) dusky fulvetta (Alcippe brunnea)
xiè dǐng to go bald
赤胸朱雀 chì xiōng zhū dǐng què (bird species of China) common linnet (Linaria cannabina))
chē dǐng car roof
tòu dǐng out-and-out; thoroughly
醍醐灌 tí hú guàn dǐng lit. to anoint your head with the purest cream (idiom); fig. to enlighten people with perfect wisdom; flawless Buddhist teaching
戴菊 jīn dǐng dài jú goldcrest (Regulus satrapa)
戴菊鳥 jīn dǐng dài jú niǎo goldcrest (Regulus satrapa)
上 dǐng shàng on top of; at the summit
事 dǐng shì useful; fitting