
advance, make progress, enter


  • advance, make progress, enter
  • to go forward
  • to advance
  • to go in
  • to enter
  • to put in
  • to submit
  • to take in
  • to admit
  • (math.) base of a number system
  • classifier for sections in a building or residential compound


主義 jī jìn zhǔ yì radicalism
份子 jī jìn fèn zǐ radicals; extremists
化 jī jìn huà radicalization; to radicalize
武裝 jī jìn wǔ zhuāng armed extremists
武裝份子 jī jìn wǔ zhuāng fèn zǐ armed extremists
火箭推榴彈 huǒ jiàn tuī jìn liú dàn rocket-propelled grenade (RPG)
měng jìn to advance boldly; to push ahead vigorously
甲狀腺功能亢 jiǎ zhuàng xiàn gōng néng kàng jìn hyperthyroidism; abbr. to 甲亢[jia3 kang4]
去 dū jìn qù (slang) (Tw) to stick "it" in; to thrust inside
積極取 jī jí jìn qǔ proactive
穩中求 wěn zhōng qiú jìn to make progress while ensuring stability
突飛猛 tū fēi měng jìn to advance by leaps and bounds
jīng jìn to forge ahead vigorously; to dedicate oneself to progress
素原促 sù yuán cù jìn antigen (medicine)
lěi jìn progressive (taxation etc)
義勇軍行曲 yì yǒng jūn jìn xíng qǔ March of the Volunteer Army (PRC National Anthem)
kǎo jìn to gain entry by passing an exam; to be admitted to (a college etc)
聽不去 tīng bù jìn qu not to listen; to be deaf to
腦子水 nǎo zi jìn shuǐ to have lost one's mind; crazy; soft in the head
與日俱 yǔ rì jù jìn every day sees new developments (idiom); to make constant progress
與時俱 yǔ shí jù jìn abreast of modern developments; to keep up with the times; progressive; timely
虛心使人步,驕傲使人落後 xū xīn shǐ rén jìn bù , jiāo ào shǐ rén luò hòu Modesty leads to progress, arrogance makes you drop behind (favorite slogan of Mao Zedong)
蠕動前 rú dòng qián jìn wriggle
xíng jìn to advance; forward motion
擋 xíng jìn dǎng forward gear