
advance, make progress, enter


  • advance, make progress, enter
  • to go forward
  • to advance
  • to go in
  • to enter
  • to put in
  • to submit
  • to take in
  • to admit
  • (math.) base of a number system
  • classifier for sections in a building or residential compound


艙 tuī jìn cāng propulsion module; service module (astronautics)
chā jìn to insert; to stick in; to plug in (an electronic device)
jǐ jìn to break into; to force one's way into; to barge into
gǎi jìn to improve; to make better; CL:個|个[ge4]
改革程 gǎi gé jìn chéng reform process
fàng jìn to put into
新年步 xīn nián jìn bù Happy New Year!
時間程 shí jiān jìn chéng time course
朝山香 cháo shān jìn xiāng to go on a pilgrimage and offer incense (idiom)
核推 hé tuī jìn nuclear propulsion
制 bù jìn zhì step by step system
馬達 bù jìn mǎ dá stepper motor
wǔ jìn Wujin district of Changzhou city 常州市[Chang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu
區 wǔ jìn qū Wujin district of Changzhou city 常州市[Chang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu
shā jìn to storm (a city etc); to raid
殺出 shā jìn shā chū to execute a lightning raid; (investment) to buy, then quickly sell; (tourism) to visit a destination for only a short stay
民主建港協聯盟 mín zhǔ jiàn gǎng xié jìn lián méng Democratic alliance for the betterment of Hong Kong (DAB), Hong Kong pro-Beijing party
民主步黨 mín zhǔ jìn bù dǎng DPP (Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan); abbr. to 民進黨|民进党
黨 mín jìn dǎng DPP (Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan); abbr. for 民主進步黨|民主进步党
hùn jìn to infiltrate; to sneak into
yǒng jìn to spill; to overflow (of water, crowds); to crowd (into a space)
yǎn jìn evolution; gradual forward progress
jiàn jìn progress step by step; gradual progress; to move forward (slowly)
qián jìn to sneak in; to infiltrate
jī jìn radical; extreme; extremist