
speak, say, talk; scold, upbraid

HSK 1 #24


说 shuō
  • to speak
  • to say
  • to explain
  • to scold
  • to tell off
  • a theory (typically the last character in a compound, as in 日心說|日心说 heliocentric theory)
  • variant of 說|说[shuo1]
说 shuì
  • to persuade


说 stroke order diagram
说 stroke order animation


服力 yǒu shuō fú lì convincing
极短篇小 jí duǎn piān xiǎo shuō flash fiction
héng shuō shù shuō to explain sth over and over again; to repeat
武侠小 wǔ xiá xiǎo shuō a martial arts (wuxia) novel
比方 bǐ fang shuō for example; for instance
民间传 mín jiān chuán shuō popular tradition; folk legend
没得 méi de shuō really good; excellent
没的 méi de shuō see 沒說的|没说的[mei2 shuo1 de5]
海底扩张 hǎi dǐ kuò zhāng shuō theory of seafloor spreading (geology)
qiǎn shuō simple introduction; primer
团 yóu shuì tuán lobby group
团体 yóu shuì tuán tǐ lobby group
浑天 hún tiān shuō geocentric theory in ancient Chinese astronomy
者 yǎn shuō zhě orator; speaker
màn shuō not to mention ... (i.e. in addition to sth)
灾变 zāi biàn shuō catastrophism (theory that geological changes are brought about by catastrophes such as the biblical flood)
燃素 rán sù shuō phlogiston theory
shēn shuō to state; to assert
yì shuō different opinion; dissident view; absurd remark
痴人梦 chī rén shuō mèng lunatic ravings; nonsense; pipe dream
zhòng shuō various ideas; diverse opinions
纷揉 zhòng shuō fēn róu lit. diverse opinions confused and divided (idiom); opinions differ; controversial matters
郛 zhòng shuō fú hub for diverse opinions
睁眼瞎话 zhēng yǎn shuō xiā huà to lie through one's teeth (idiom); to talk drivel
睁着眼睛瞎话 zhēng zhe yǎn jīng shuō xiā huà to lie through one's teeth (idiom); to talk drivel