
speak, say, talk; scold, upbraid

HSK 1 #24


说 shuō
  • to speak
  • to say
  • to explain
  • to scold
  • to tell off
  • a theory (typically the last character in a compound, as in 日心說|日心说 heliocentric theory)
  • variant of 說|说[shuo1]
说 shuì
  • to persuade


说 stroke order diagram
说 stroke order animation


地心 dì xīn shuō geocentric theory
太极图 tài jí tú shuō philosophical book by Song dynasty scholar Zhou Dunyi 周敦頤|周敦颐[Zhou1 Dun1 yi2], starting from an interpretation of the Book of Changes
hǎo shuō dǎi shuō to try one's very best to persuade sb (idiom); to reason with sb in every way possible
wàng shuō to talk irresponsibly; ridiculous presumption talk
对我来 duì wǒ lái shuō as far as I'm concerned
小小 xiǎo xiǎo shuō flash fiction
为佳 shǎo shuō wéi jiā Few words are best.; Brevity is the soul of wit.
就职演 jiù zhí yǎn shuō inaugural speech
常言得好 cháng yán shuō de hǎo as the saying goes; as they say...
影射小 yǐng shè xiǎo shuō roman à clef
微型小 wēi xíng xiǎo shuō flash fiction
怎么呢 zěn me shuō ne Why is that?; How come?
lèng shuō to insist; to allege; to assert
màn shuō not to mention ... (i.e. in addition to sth)
xì shuō dramatic form consisting of historical narration; history as jocular narrative; to stretch history for a joking story; amusing story with strained interpretations of history; to make an unreasonable comparison in jest
剧 xì shuō jù period costume drama (on TV)
打开天窗亮话 dǎ kāi tiān chuāng shuō liàng huà not to mince words; not to beat about the bush
招股明书 zhāo gǔ shuō míng shū prospectus
推理小 tuī lǐ xiǎo shuō murder mystery (novel); whodunit
tuī shuō to plead; to claim as an excuse
日心 rì xīn shuō heliocentric theory; the theory that the sun is at the center of the universe
是啥啥 shì shá shuō shá call a spade a spade (idiom)
有苦不出 yǒu kǔ shuō bu chū having unspeakable bitter suffering; (often used after 啞巴吃黃連|哑巴吃黄连[ya3 ba5 chi1 huang2 lian2])
有话快 yǒu huà kuài shuō spit it out!
有话要 yǒu huà yào shuō to speak one's mind