
speak, say, talk; scold, upbraid

HSK 1 #24


说 shuō
  • to speak
  • to say
  • to explain
  • to scold
  • to tell off
  • a theory (typically the last character in a compound, as in 日心說|日心说 heliocentric theory)
  • variant of 說|说[shuo1]
说 shuì
  • to persuade


说 stroke order diagram
说 stroke order animation


不待 bù dài shuō needless to say; it goes without saying
不由分 bù yóu fēn shuō to allow no explanation
自明 bù shuō zì míng self-explanatory; self-evident (idiom)
qiě shuō thus
新语 shì shuō xīn yǔ A New Account of the Tales of the World, collection of anecdotes, conversations, remarks etc of historic personalities, compiled and edited by Liu Yiqing 劉義慶|刘义庆[Liu2 Yi4 qing4]
中国小史略 zhōng guó xiǎo shuō shǐ lüè Concise History of the Chinese Novel by Lu Xun 鲁迅
luàn shuō to talk drivel; to make irresponsible remarks
什么好 shén me hǎo shuō sth pertinent to say
无妨 dàn shuō wú fáng there is no harm in saying what one thinks (idiom)
信口胡 xìn kǒu hú shuō to speak without thinking; to blurt sth out
fù shuō Fu Shuo (c. 14th century BC), legendary sage and principal minister of Shang ruler Wu Ding
不做 guāng shuō bù zuò all talk and no action (idiom); to preach what one does not practice
不练 guāng shuō bù liàn all talk and no action (idiom); to preach what one does not practice; same as 光說不做|光说不做[guang1 shuo1 bu4 zuo4]
公有理,婆婆有理 gōng shuō gōng yǒu lǐ , pó shuō pó yǒu lǐ both sides claim they're right (idiom)
具体明 jù tǐ shuō míng explicit explanation; to specify
再活化假 zài huó huà jiǎ shuō reactivation hypothesis
fēn shuō to explain (the difference)
chāo shuō to plagiarize
无凭 kǒu shuō wú píng (idiom) you can't rely on a verbal agreement; just because sb says sth, doesn't mean it's true
古今小 gǔ jīn xiǎo shuō Stories Old and New by Feng Menglong 馮夢龍|冯梦龙[Feng2 Meng4 long2], collection of late Ming baihua 白話|白话[bai2 hua4] tales published in 1620
史传小 shǐ zhuàn xiǎo shuō historical novel
吃不到葡萄葡萄酸 chī bù dào pú tao shuō pú tao suān sour grapes (set expr. based on Aesop); lit. to say grapes are sour when you can't eat them
哑巴吃黄连,有苦不出 yǎ ba chī huáng lián , yǒu kǔ shuō bu chū to be forced to suffer in silence (idiom); unable to speak of one's bitter suffering; sometimes written 啞子吃黃連,有苦說不出|哑子吃黄连,有苦说不出
严格来 yán gé lái shuō strictly speaking
图解明 tú jiě shuō míng explanatory diagram