
speak, say, talk; scold, upbraid

HSK 1 #24


说 shuō
  • to speak
  • to say
  • to explain
  • to scold
  • to tell off
  • a theory (typically the last character in a compound, as in 日心說|日心说 heliocentric theory)
  • variant of 說|说[shuo1]
说 shuì
  • to persuade


说 stroke order diagram
说 stroke order animation


神魔小 shén mó xiǎo shuō supernatural novel; novel of ghosts and goblins
科幻小 kē huàn xiǎo shuō science fiction novel
科技惊悚小 kē jì jīng sǒng xiǎo shuō techno-thriller novel; science fiction thriller
chēng shuō to declare; to state; to call; to name
空口白话 kōng kǒu shuō bái huà to make empty promises
站着话不腰疼 zhàn zhe shuō huà bù yāo téng it's all very well to talk, but getting things done is another matter (idiom); to be an armchair expert; to blabber on
章回小 zhāng huí xiǎo shuō novel in chapters, main format for long novels from the Ming onwards, with each chapter headed by a summary couplet
简单地 jiǎn dān de shuō to put it simply; simply put
xù shuō to chatter endlessly
总体上 zǒng tǐ shàng shuō looking at the big picture; all in all; all things considered
老实 lǎo shí shuō honestly speaking; to be frank, ...
shēng shuō to narrate
胡诌乱 hú zhōu luàn shuō to talk random nonsense (idiom); to say whatever comes into one's head
色情小 sè qíng xiǎo shuō pornographic novel; dirty book
著书立 zhù shū lì shuō to write a book advancing one's theory (idiom)
虚构小 xū gòu xiǎo shuō fiction
见人人话,见鬼鬼话 jiàn rén shuō rén huà , jiàn guǐ shuō guǐ huà (fig.) adaptable; able to deal with various kinds of people and situations; (derog.) insincere; two-faced
jiàn shuō to hear what was said
话又回来 huà yòu shuō huí lai returning to our main topic,...; that said,...; again,...; in this connection; in passing; nevertheless,...; anyhow
回来 huà shuō huí lai returning to our main topic,...; that said,...; again,...; in this connection; in passing; nevertheless,...; anyhow
一千,道一万 shuō yī qiān , dào yī wàn when all is said and done; at the end of the day
八 shuō qī shuō bā after all
上 shuō shàng to say; to speak; to talk
不出 shuō bu chū unable to say
不出话来 shuō bù chū huà lái speechless