
good, excellent, fine; well

HSK 1 #82


好 hǎo
  • good
  • well
  • proper
  • good to
  • easy to
  • very
  • so
  • (suffix indicating completion or readiness)
  • (of two people) close
  • on intimate terms
  • (after a personal pronoun) hello
好 hào
  • to be fond of
  • to have a tendency to
  • to be prone to


好 stroke order diagram
好 stroke order animation


老子英雄儿汉,老子反动儿混蛋 lǎo zi yīng xióng ér hǎo hàn , lǎo zi fǎn dòng ér hún dàn If the father is a hero, the son is a real man. If the father is a reactionary, the son is a bastard. (Cultural Revolution slogan); fig. like father, like son
老子英雄兒漢,老子反動兒混蛋 lǎo zi yīng xióng ér hǎo hàn , lǎo zi fǎn dòng ér hún dàn If the father is a hero, the son is a real man. If the father is a reactionary, the son is a bastard. (Cultural Revolution slogan); fig. like father, like son
zhì hǎo best friend
jiù hǎo old friendship
jiù hǎo old friendship
月圆 huā hǎo yuè yuán lit. lovely flowers, round moon (idiom); fig. everything is wonderful; perfect happiness; conjugal bliss
月圓 huā hǎo yuè yuán lit. lovely flowers, round moon (idiom); fig. everything is wonderful; perfect happiness; conjugal bliss
英雄漢 yīng xióng hǎo hàn heroes
叶公龙 yè gōng hào lóng lit. Lord Ye's passion for dragons (idiom); fig. to pretend to be fond of sth while actually fearing it; ostensible fondness of sth one really fears
葉公龍 yè gōng hào lóng lit. Lord Ye's passion for dragons (idiom); fig. to pretend to be fond of sth while actually fearing it; ostensible fondness of sth one really fears
虚心学 xū xīn hào xué modest and studious (idiom)
虛心學 xū xīn hào xué modest and studious (idiom)
就收 jiàn hǎo jiù shōu to quit while one is ahead (idiom); to know when to stop
就收 jiàn hǎo jiù shōu to quit while one is ahead (idiom); to know when to stop
親朋友 qīn péng hǎo yǒu friends and family; kith and kin
言归于 yán guī yú hǎo to become reconciled; to bury the hatchet
言歸於 yán guī yú hǎo to become reconciled; to bury the hatchet
tǎo hǎo to get the desired outcome; to win favor by fawning on sb; to curry favor with; a fruitful outcome to reward one's labor
卖乖 tǎo hǎo mài guāi to curry favor by showing obeisance (idiom)
賣乖 tǎo hǎo mài guāi to curry favor by showing obeisance (idiom)
shuō hǎo to come to an agreement; to complete negotiations
shuō hǎo to come to an agreement; to complete negotiations
谁笑到最后,谁笑得最 shéi xiào dào zuì hòu , shéi xiào dé zuì hǎo He laughs best who laughs last.
誰笑到最後,誰笑得最 shéi xiào dào zuì hòu , shéi xiào dé zuì hǎo He laughs best who laughs last.
谁笑在最后,谁笑得最 shéi xiào zài zuì hòu , shéi xiào dé zuì hǎo He laughs best who laughs last.