老子英雄兒好漢,老子反動兒混蛋 lǎo zi yīng xióng ér hǎo hàn , lǎo zi fǎn dòng ér hún dàn


  1. If the father is a hero, the son is a real man. If the father is a reactionary, the son is a bastard. (Cultural Revolution slogan)
  2. fig. like father, like son


老 lǎo old, aged; experienced
子 zi offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch
英 yīng petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English
雄 xióng male of species; hero; manly
兒 ér son, child, oneself; final part
好 hǎo good, excellent, fine; well
漢 hàn the Chinese people, Chinese language
老 lǎo old, aged; experienced
子 zi offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch
反 fǎn reverse, opposite, contrary, anti
動 dòng move, happen; movement, action
兒 ér son, child, oneself; final part
混 hún to mix, blend, mingle; to bumble along
蛋 dàn eggs; term of abuse