chǎng cháng

open space, field, market

HSK 2 #249


场 chǎng
  • large place used for a specific purpose
  • stage
  • scene (of a play)
  • classifier for sporting or recreational activities
  • classifier for number of exams
  • variant of 場|场[chang3]
场 cháng
  • threshing floor
  • classifier for events and happenings: spell, episode, bout
  • variant of 場|场[chang2]


场 stroke order diagram
场 stroke order animation


北京工人体育 běi jīng gōng rén tǐ yù chǎng Workers Stadium
十里洋 shí lǐ yáng chǎng the Shanghai of old, with its foreign settlements; (fig.) a bustling, cosmopolitan city
bàn chǎng half of a game or contest; half-court
合作农 hé zuò nóng chǎng collective farm, Russian: kolkhoz
启德机 qǐ dé jī chǎng Kai Tak Airport, international airport of Hong Kong from 1925 to 1998
国外市 guó wài shì chǎng foreign market
国际机 guó jì jī chǎng international airport
满族蒙古族自治县 wéi chǎng mǎn zú měng gǔ zú zì zhì xiàn Weichang Manchu and Mongol autonomous county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei
县 wéi chǎng xiàn Weichang Manchu and Mongol autonomous county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei
圆形剧 yuán xíng jù chǎng amphitheater
地球磁 dì qiú cí chǎng earth's magnetic field
儿 chǎng r see 場子|场子[chang3 zi5]
区应急 chǎng qū yìng jí site area emergency (nuclear facility emergency classification)
地自行车 chǎng dì zì xíng chē track bike; track cycling
外应急 chǎng wài yìng jí general emergency (or "off-site emergency") (nuclear facility emergency classification)
记板 chǎng jì bǎn clapper board
论 chǎng lùn field theory (physics)
院 cháng yuàn threshing floor
fén chǎng cemetery
yā chǎng to hold the attention of an audience; to serve as the finale to a show
人 wài cháng rén sophisticated, worldly person; man of the world
多头市 duō tóu shì cháng bull market
鸫 dà chǎng dōng OHBA Tsugumi (pen-name), author of cult series Death Note 死亡筆記|死亡笔记[si3 wang2 bi3 ji4]
大兴机 dà xīng jī chǎng Beijing Daxing International Airport (PKX), nicknamed 海星機場|海星机场[hai3 xing1 ji1 chang3] because its terminal looks like a huge starfish
大卖 dà mài chǎng hypermarket; large warehouse-like self-service retail store