chǎng cháng

open space, field, market

HSK 2 #249


场 chǎng
  • large place used for a specific purpose
  • stage
  • scene (of a play)
  • classifier for sporting or recreational activities
  • classifier for number of exams
  • variant of 場|场[chang3]
场 cháng
  • threshing floor
  • classifier for events and happenings: spell, episode, bout
  • variant of 場|场[chang2]


场 stroke order diagram
场 stroke order animation


cài chǎng food market
tú chǎng slaughterhouse; abattoir
lín chǎng forestry station; forest management area
fǎ chǎng execution ground
绿茵 lǜ yīn chǎng football field
量子论 liàng zǐ chǎng lùn quantum field theory
上海体育 shàng hǎi tǐ yù chǎng Shanghai Stadium
门 xià chǎng mén exit door (of the stage)
中途退 zhōng tú tuì chǎng to leave in the middle of the play; (fig.) to leave before the matter is concluded
五角 wǔ jiǎo chǎng Wujiaochang neighborhood of Shanghai, adjacent to Fudan University
交易市 jiāo yì shì chǎng exchange; trading floor
人民广 rén mín guǎng chǎng People's Square, Shanghai
伐木 fá mù chǎng a logging area
hòu chǎng (of an actor, athlete etc) to prepare to make one's entrance; to wait in the wings
式 rù chǎng shì ceremonial entry; opening procession
nèi chǎng inner area (of a place that has an outer area); the kitchen of a restaurant (as opposed to the dining area); infield (baseball etc); (Chinese opera) the area behind the table on the stage
一致 quán chǎng yī zhì unanimous
费 chū chǎng fèi appearance fee
分会 fēn huì chǎng sub-venues
lì chǎng force field (physics)
动物农 dòng wù nóng chǎng Animal Farm (1945), novel and famous satire on communist revolution by George Orwell 喬治·奧威爾|乔治·奥威尔[Qiao2 zhi4 · Ao4 wei1 er3]
劳务市 láo wù shì chǎng labor market
北京南苑机 běi jīng nán yuàn jī chǎng Beijing Nanyuan Airport, military air base and secondary civil airport of Beijing
北京国家体育 běi jīng guó jiā tǐ yù chǎng Beijing National Stadium
北京大兴国际机 běi jīng dà xīng guó jì jī chǎng Beijing Daxing International Airport (PKX)