go away, leave, depart

HSK 1 #64


去 qù
  • to go
  • to go to (a place)
  • (of a time etc) last
  • just passed
  • to send
  • to remove
  • to get rid of
  • to reduce
  • to be apart from in space or time
  • to die (euphemism)
  • to play (a part)
  • (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth
  • (after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker)
  • (used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation)


去 stroke order diagram
去 stroke order animation


取其精華,其糟粕 qǔ qí jīng huá , qù qí zāo pò take the cream, discard the dross (political and educational slogan); keep what is good, discard the rest; You need to be selective when studying.; In modernizing the country, don't accept uncritically all foreign ideas.
呼之即来,挥之即 hū zhī jí lái , huī zhī jí qù to come when called (idiom); ready and compliant; always at sb's beck and call
呼之即來,揮之即 hū zhī jí lái , huī zhī jí qù to come when called (idiom); ready and compliant; always at sb's beck and call
呼来喝 hū lái hè qù to call to come and shout to go (idiom); to yell orders; always bossing people around
呼來喝 hū lái hè qù to call to come and shout to go (idiom); to yell orders; always bossing people around
哭得死活来 kū de sǐ qù huó lái to cry one's heart out
哭得死活來 kū de sǐ qù huó lái to cry one's heart out
坚持下 jiān chí xià qù to press on
堅持下 jiān chí xià qù to press on
tú qù to obliterate (some words, or part of a picture etc) using correction fluid, ink, paint etc; to paint out; to paint over
tú qù to obliterate (some words, or part of a picture etc) using correction fluid, ink, paint etc; to paint out; to paint over
多了了 duō le qù le (coll.) aplenty; millions of
hǎo qù bon voyage; Godspeed
dài qu to take along with one
dài qu to take along with one
带着希望旅行,比到达终点更美好 dài zhe xī wàng qù lǚ xíng , bǐ dào dá zhōng diǎn gèng měi hǎo It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive.
帶著希望旅行,比到達終點更美好 dài zhe xī wàng qù lǚ xíng , bǐ dào dá zhōng diǎn gèng měi hǎo It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive.
往心里 wǎng xīn li qù to take sth to heart; to take sth seriously
往心裡 wǎng xīn li qù to take sth to heart; to take sth seriously
爱得死活来 ài de sǐ qù huó lái to be madly in love
愛得死活來 ài de sǐ qù huó lái to be madly in love
我勒个 wǒ lè ge qù (slang) shoot!; crap!
我勒個 wǒ lè ge qù (slang) shoot!; crap!
wǒ qù (slang) dang!; shoot!
kòu qù to deduct (points etc)