go away, leave, depart

HSK 1 #64


去 qù
  • to go
  • to go to (a place)
  • (of a time etc) last
  • just passed
  • to send
  • to remove
  • to get rid of
  • to reduce
  • to be apart from in space or time
  • to die (euphemism)
  • to play (a part)
  • (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth
  • (after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker)
  • (used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation)


去 stroke order diagram
去 stroke order animation


zhuā qù to arrest and take away
mǒ qù to erase
pàn qù to reject; to abandon
推来推 tuī lái tuī qù (idiom) to rudely push and pull others; (idiom) to evade responsibility and push it to others
推來推 tuī lái tuī qù (idiom) to rudely push and pull others; (idiom) to evade responsibility and push it to others
揚長而 yáng cháng ér qù to swagger off; to walk off (or drive off etc) without a second thought for those left behind
挥之不 huī zhī bù qù impossible to get rid of
揮之不 huī zhī bù qù impossible to get rid of
搬出 bān chū qù to move out (vacate); to shift sth out
piē qù skim
挤上 jǐ shàng qu to squeeze oneself up into (a crowded vehicle etc)
擠上 jǐ shàng qu to squeeze oneself up into (a crowded vehicle etc)
挤来挤 jǐ lái jǐ qù to mill about; to jostle
擠來擠 jǐ lái jǐ qù to mill about; to jostle
放眼望 fàng yǎn wàng qù as far as the eye can see
無回 yǒu qù wú huí gone forever (idiom)
活來 sǐ qù huó lái to hover between life and death (idiom); to suffer terribly; within an inch of one's life
比下 bǐ xià qù to defeat; to be superior to
活下 huó xià qù to survive; to keep on living
活不下 huó bù xià qu impossible to make a living
xiāo qù to eliminate
jiǎn qù minus; to subtract
dí qù to wash off
dí qù to wash off
泼出的水 pō chū qù de shuǐ spilt water; (fig.) sth that can not be retrieved; spilt milk